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6 tips on raising Muslim men who respect women

Muslim men are commanded to treat women with dignity and respect regardless of their faith, how they are dressed, where they are from, or the color of their skin. Muslim men and women’s ideal relationship in the context of the community is one of brother- and sisterhood in faith. These are ideals that must be instilled from the start. Here are some ways to begin. 1. Instill accountability before Allah, regardless of others’ actions: This is the number one lesson all Muslims, regardless of gender, must be continuously reminded of. ...

How To Craft Positive Muslim Identity in Children

Nazir Al-Mujaahid of Outstanding Muslim Parents offers some of his best parenting advice. How would you answer the question, “Who are you?” Some people would define themselves through their profession, for example, a doctor or a teacher. Others may define themselves by their cultural background, such as Yoruba, House or Ogbo. Other still may simply say, “I’m only a mother”. Many times, how people describe themselves is a reflection of how they feel about themselves and in the case of our children, we want them to radiate high self-esteem and...